On the trip from Colorado too Mesa, Arizona we stopped at the Grand Canyon for one day. We walked along the Rim Trail and took this classic picture of the canyon.
Join us on our grand adventure in living fulltime in a 5th Wheel trailer traveling across the USA
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Colorado Fall Colors

We have left Colorado before winter starts. We have not posted any thing this summer because I was busy fishing in the Arkansas River Valley. Before leaving Chalk Creek we did see a lot of leaves changing color. The above picture was taken at MT Elbert Forebay, I was fishing the lake and Sandi walked the dogs around the lake while taking pictures.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
On the Road Again
We are on the road again. Yeah!!! We left Nathrop on Oct 4th and journeyed to Denver to do things like the ritual doctor, dentist, house, vehicles etc appointments.
Then we headed to Elizabeth, CO for a fun halloween campout with the Rocky Explorers which is our camping chapter of FCRV. We decorated a shelter with spooky things like ghosts, spiders, rats, witches etc. Then we decorated our own rigs, decorated or carved pumpkins, played all kinds of games, bobbed for apples, ate wierd food like puke and snot (cashew chicken), drank fluids like urine (apple cider), ate a cemetary (cake with cookies), dressed in costumes and went trick and/or treating. We had contests for the best rig decorated, the best costume, the best pumpkin etc. We gave away alot of prizes including anyone who just participated, so no one was left out. The kids had a great time and they got to celebrate Halloween twice. A good time was had by all.
Our next stop will be Colorado Springs to visit with family before we head south for the winter.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Chalk Creek Campground & RV Park
We arrived back in Colorado in early April we spent some time in Colorado Springs. Then we spent two weeks in Denver for doctor and dentist visits. We also activated the sprinkler system on the Xenon house. We had many things to get taken care of before going to Nathrop and Chalk Creek Campground.
April 21st we moved up to Chalk Creek for the duration of the Summer. Spring is slow in arriving to the Upper Arkansas River Valley. The campground is located at the base of Mount Princeton. The following picture of Mount Princeton is from our site in the campground, and the view we have from our dinning table window.

Thursday, March 31, 2011
FCRV 2011 Retiree Rally
We have been at the FCRV Retiree Rally this past week in Canton, Texas and having fun doing such things as playing games like frog races, cow chip toss, rolling pin toss, washer toss, and bocce ball. These are some of the games that we have played at our rally. We had great entertainment for the evening programs. There were a couple of catered dinners, and one ice cream social.
We joined another chapter of FCRV and are now members of the YARS (Young Active Retirees) also, their theme is Pirates. We made tie dyed shirts and have pirate hats. The YARS has a campout after the national FCRV rallies. This springs YARS campout was in Mineola, Texas just northeast of Canton, Texas. Mineola has a Civic Center with over one hundred campsites and a large meeting room.
During our stay in Mineola we spent one afternoon driving to Tyler, Texas and saw the Azalae & Spring Flower Trail.

The homes and front yard gardens in Tyler are very beautiful.
Friday April 1st we will be heading back to Colorado.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Kerrville, TX
We are now staying in Kerrville, TX. We are staying at Guadalupe River RV Resort which is a very nice resort along the Guadalupe River. This resort is listed a one of the best in Texas.
We went to the National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg, TX and spent many h0urs walking thru the museum. The museum went through the entire history of the Pacific War, starting with Japan's history and actions prior to the start of World War II, and ending with the surrender. The self paced tour of the museum has a lot of short videos and movies. You can get additional information on the museum at the following web site: www.PacificWarMuseum.org.
When we were in Fredericksburg, we also walked a trail in the Lady Bird Johnson Nature Park. Kyoto and Osaka both had to go swimming in a stream that ran through the park. We went into part of the park that had all kinds of birds and bird feeders. It was pleasant listenng to all the birds and seeing them up close. It was too bad that I left my camera in the truck.
For those who have been following Tiffany, she called us about 3:00am Friday, and let us know that there was an earthquake in Japan, and a tsumani was on its way to Samoa. She said she was headed to high country and would be safe. She called back on Friday about 2:00pm and said she was back home and the tsunami was small.
We went to the National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg, TX and spent many h0urs walking thru the museum. The museum went through the entire history of the Pacific War, starting with Japan's history and actions prior to the start of World War II, and ending with the surrender. The self paced tour of the museum has a lot of short videos and movies. You can get additional information on the museum at the following web site: www.PacificWarMuseum.org.
When we were in Fredericksburg, we also walked a trail in the Lady Bird Johnson Nature Park. Kyoto and Osaka both had to go swimming in a stream that ran through the park. We went into part of the park that had all kinds of birds and bird feeders. It was pleasant listenng to all the birds and seeing them up close. It was too bad that I left my camera in the truck.
For those who have been following Tiffany, she called us about 3:00am Friday, and let us know that there was an earthquake in Japan, and a tsumani was on its way to Samoa. She said she was headed to high country and would be safe. She called back on Friday about 2:00pm and said she was back home and the tsunami was small.
Friday, March 4, 2011
El Paso, Texas
We have traveled to El Paso, Texas this week. The Rio Grande is a small river here compared to the hugh river it becomes. We can look across the Rio Grande river and see the town of Juarez, Mexico. With current problems, we have absolutely no desire to visit Mexico.
We spent a day and went to the White Sands National Monument in New Mexico. It
is located close to Alamogordo, New Mexico. The White Sands cover 275 square miles, so if you have been to the Great Sand Dunes in Colorado then consider them to be a very small portion of the White Sands. The sand was so white, that we quickly became "sand blind", which is just like "snow blind", and it was difficult to see texture or shape in the sand. Kyoto and Osaka seemed to enjoy bouncing around in the sand. Osaka was buried up to her belly, but just kept trying to get up the dune with Joe & Kyoto. At the time that we went to White Sands, the sand was not hot yet, so the dogs did not have a problem walking on it. The sand was very fine, and did I say very, very, very white?
Can you pick out who left which track?
Saturday, February 19, 2011
We have been exploring the desert and the many different cacti that grow here. We first spent a day in the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix learning about the different cacti and plants that grow in the desert. The Botanical Gardens also had some very large unique free standing glass displays that looked like cactus.

Then we spent a day going thru Saguaro National Park that is next to Tucson. We took lots of pictures of the giant cacti. The saguaro is the largest cacti in the US and lives between 150 to 200 years. They generally start branches or arms after 75 years. So when I see saguaro with branches, I know it is at least 75 years. They are really are majestic.
Thursday, February 10, 2011

We visited the BIOSPHERE 2 north of Tucson AZ:
The name “Biosphere 2” derives from the idea that it is modeled on Earth, the first biosphere.
The name “Biosphere 2” derives from the idea that it is modeled on Earth, the first biosphere.
Biosphere 2 facility
3.14 acre Biosphere facility
7,200,000 cubic feet of sealed glass, 6,500 windows
91 feet at highest point
sealed from the earth below by a 500-ton welded stainless steel liner
40-acre campus
300,000 sq. ft. of administrative offices, classrooms, labs, conference center, housing
3.14 acre Biosphere facility
7,200,000 cubic feet of sealed glass, 6,500 windows
91 feet at highest point
sealed from the earth below by a 500-ton welded stainless steel liner
40-acre campus
300,000 sq. ft. of administrative offices, classrooms, labs, conference center, housing
Ecosystems under glass
Ocean with coral reef
Mangrove wetlands
Tropical rainforest
Savannah grassland
Fog desert
Ocean with coral reef
Mangrove wetlands
Tropical rainforest
Savannah grassland
Fog desert
Mechanics of the Biosphere
The Biosphere was setup as a mini earth ecosystem and is totally contained except for electrical power is outside the sealed biosphere. There are living quarters, laboratories, food growing, and mechanical areas within the sealed Biosphere 2. The internal systems include water treatment, wastewater treatment, and air system. The biosphere has a large “lung” that allows the structure to be sealed and have changes in barometric pressure that normally occurs within our atmosphere.
The Biosphere was setup as a mini earth ecosystem and is totally contained except for electrical power is outside the sealed biosphere. There are living quarters, laboratories, food growing, and mechanical areas within the sealed Biosphere 2. The internal systems include water treatment, wastewater treatment, and air system. The biosphere has a large “lung” that allows the structure to be sealed and have changes in barometric pressure that normally occurs within our atmosphere.
Current Biosphere 2 Mission
To serve as a center for research, outreach, teaching and life-long learning about Earth, its living systems, and its place in the universe.
· Catalyze interdisciplinary thinking and understanding about Earth and its future;
· Be an adaptive tool for Earth education and outreach to industry, government, and the public;
· Distill issues related to Earth systems planning and management for use by policymakers, students and the public.
To serve as a center for research, outreach, teaching and life-long learning about Earth, its living systems, and its place in the universe.
· Catalyze interdisciplinary thinking and understanding about Earth and its future;
· Be an adaptive tool for Earth education and outreach to industry, government, and the public;
· Distill issues related to Earth systems planning and management for use by policymakers, students and the public.
Additional Information can be obtained from the website:
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Our Anniversary
It has been one full year since we moved into the 5th wheel trailer full time and started our new adventure as retirees. In that time we have traveled as far south as Brownsville, Texas; as far east as South Carolina and the coast; as far north as Wyoming, and as far west as southern California. Not quite coast to coast, but close. In all those miles and living 24/7 with ourselves in a little over 300 square feet, we have survived. Not only survived, but we discovered that we really like this lifestyle. This is our home on our site in Mesa, AZ.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Okay here is a question for you. What kind of collector vehicle would you fantasize owning? We went to the Barrett-Jackson collectors auction yesterday on the 18th of January and believe me, I found so many cars that I would love to own, if I had more money than I knew what to do with. Some of the cars for sale in this auction are the ambulance that transported John F Kennedy to the hospital, a Lincoln that belonged to Elvis Presley, a 69 Camaro owned by Bret Michaels and on and on and on. All kinds of vehicles including covered wagons, stage coaches all the way up to new. Needless to say this kid did not bid/buy anything and did not touch anything either. The auctioneer was so fast, I barely could understand what he was saying and the current bid was posted on a board that had the price in dollars, canadian and euros. What an exciting day!

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Mesa, Arizona
We have traveled to Mesa, Arizona around the first of the year. Yeah! Civilization again! Groceries, stores, malls, restaurants, Starbucks! When we were in Quartzsite, the closest grocery store of any size was over 20 miles away. Now groceries are just down the street. We are in a resort that has both park models and spaces for RV's. All kinds of activities are numerous and frequent. If you are bored, it is your own fault. There is a canal just outside of the resort and is a great place to take the dogs for long walks
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