We stayed at a campground call Hill Country RV Resort in New Braunfels and we really liked it there. The people were very friendly and there were so many activities. We went to one potluck and there were a number of things (whatever they were called) that carried all of their place settings things needed for a potluck. I commented that I thought it was a really good idea and that I would like to look at them closer to see how they were made. It just so happened that the person who heard that comment was the lady who not only knew how to make them but made all of them. Her name is Mary Davis and she said that she made them and gave them to only the people that were coming back to Hill Country every year. I told her that I belonged to a camping organization called FCRV and in the state of Colorado it had 800 family campers who would love to do a project like making these baskets, that is what she called them. She decided to tell me how they were made and gave me a few hints. I took notes, but they really did not make sense until she gave me a basket that had been given back to her for repairs to look at. Needless to say, I set about trying to write a complete set of instructions. I also wanted to make a basket before I left New Braunfels. Well guess what? I made the basket, but the handles are knitted and I do not know how to knit! I have figured out how to do the knit & purl stitches, but the starting and finishing seems beyond me at this time. Mary gave me 2 handles that she knitted for me, so my basket is complete. I guess I will keep working on learning to knit or subsitute a web strap in its place. Anyway I will have a potluck basket to bring home.
We met another couple from Michigan, Elaine & Mel Winters at the potluck. Elaine wanted to make a potluck basket too, so I gave her what instructions I had written at that time with pictures of my step by step process of making my basket. Together I think they make sense. I told her to be careful as the basket info was guarded info. To continue to with the small world concept, Mel works for the Sheriff's dept in Berrin Springs, Michigan and will be patrolling the FCRV national campvention this summer. We left literature with Don & Kay McDermed to give them about FCRV.
Our next stop will be Dallas.
Can't wait to see it! Always looking for neat way to carry potluck paraphenalia. I can also teach you how to start/finish knitting projects.