I took the dogs for a walking tour through some of the downtown parks in Savannah. They are called "squares" and are located about every four blocks, and are surrounded by colonial houses and buildings. The squares have a lot of trees and spanish moss shading the walkways.

Back on Tybee Island we went to a restaurant called "The Crab Shack" they supposedly had 78 alligators, but we only saw a few baby alligators. The crab shack also had a "Cat Shack", and the cats actually used it. The cat shack was outside of the restaurant and the cats used it for dining just like people. We assume the restaurant worker feed the cats. The restaurant featured southern boils as thier speciality.

I went on a tour of the light house and old fort that has been on the island from colonial times through World War II. The last night on the island, and I took some
pictures of the light house at night.
Great pics!